Instead of enriching private insurers, Medicare for All would provide health care to all as a right
WASHINGTON – Bernie 2020 today reaffirmed the need for a Medicare for All health care system as the only way to fix the current broken health care system. While other candidates present half-measure plans that fail to address the failure of our current health care system, Medicare for All would ensure health care for every man woman and child– no exceptions.

… one study found almost 30% of employers did in a given year
Campaign manager Faiz Shakir said:
“We cannot settle for a middle ground proposal that would leave in place the corporate greed that robs our health care system. A ‘public option’ would be both a policy and moral failure at a time when the American people want Medicare for All. It is destined to fail because a ‘buy-in’ approach would be unaffordable for those who need coverage the most. Insurers would dump the sickest and neediest individuals, causing it to become an inefficient and insufficient ‘option.’”
Under Medicare for All, over a four-year period, we will transition to a system in which Medicare is improved and expanded to cover every man, woman, and child in the country.
After Biden said Medicare for All is an effort to ditch Obamacare, Sanders noted that Obama has previously spoken out in support of a single payer health care system, saying:
“I fought to improve and pass Obamacare. I traveled all over the country as the head of Democratic Senate Outreach fighting Trump’s attempt to repeal Obamacare. But I will not be deterred from moving forward to guarantee health care for all people. That can only really be accomplished by ending the waste and greed of the health insurance companies and their executives that perpetuates our dysfunctional health care system. At the end of the day, you’ve either got to be on the side of the people or the side of the health insurance companies. I know what side I’m on; others will have to make their own choice,” Sanders said. “We must pass Medicare for All.”
As part of passing the ACA, Bernie obtained $11 billion in funding for community health centers and traveled to states across the country in 2018 to mobilize opposition to ACA repeal.

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